Monday, November 02, 2009

"The West hears the word 'Stalinism,' and has a collective urinary moment..."

this is why i love my professor

Friday, October 30, 2009

so much win. monster goodness.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

god, this cheese is SO GOOD. whole foods ftw. drunken goat goats milk cheese from spain with red wine washed rind. MMMMMM.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

for the sanity of all involved, here's a neat way to convert pdf books to readable files for your iphone:

You Will Need:
- Stanza (application)

What To Do:
1. Open the PDF file in Stanza (the "Open with" option when you right click the file, or via Ctrl/Command-O in Stanza itself)

2. Copy all the text via Ctrl/Command-A, Ctrl/Command-C

3. Open up a new Stanza window via Ctrl/Command-N or going to File > New From Clipboard

4. Go to the information windown via Ctrl/Command-I or going to Edit > Book Info

5. Save the information, share it to your iPod/iPhone/reading book of your choice.

6. TADAAA!! Dance around and celebrate.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

What! no capacity for business, no knowledge of law, no sympathy with art, no pretension to philosophy; only a simple knowledge of the secret that has puzzled all the philosophers, baffled all the lawyers, muddled all the men of business, and ruined most of the artists: the secret of right and wrong. Why, man, you are a genius, a master of masters, a god! At twenty-four, too!

--George Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara, (Act III)