Tuesday, April 24, 2007

on the vtech shootings, from the economist:

Few urban Americans swallow this twaddle [about the need for a gun], which is why many cities have stiff anti-gun laws. But some rural people do, and plenty more love hunting and think anti-gun Democrats are wusses. To counter this image and court rural votes, the Democratic Party has largely abandoned its gun-control crusade. Its presidential candidates now play up their love of hunting, real or otherwise. In several states, the party has recruited serious gun enthusiasts as candidates. The Democratic governor of Montana boasts that he has more guns than he needs, but not as many as he would like. And the Democrats won control of the Senate last year by fielding a pro-gun war hero to snatch a pro-gun state from a pro-gun Republican incumbent. That state was Virginia.

emphasis mine. that's the bit that got my attention. the rest is there for context.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

mechawars! woot!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

i was still sleepy and trying to do my paper. still am, but that's not the point. the point is i decided to drink that can of red bull that i had sitting around the place since it's got caffiene in it and all.


Saturday, April 07, 2007

squirrel catapault! bahahah..
ironic that this would come out at a time when i'm asking the same question. i figure i must be wanting the very same thing.

Friday, April 06, 2007

do you ever feel like words are on the tip of your tongue, you're holding your breath to say it, it's a bubble of air, a consonant on the tip of your tongue that is malformed, ill-advised, amoebic in its potentiality for destruction, but you don't know how to express the vast multitudinous possibilities and jumbles within you?

it's one of the most horrible feelings in the world.

i see the lights are turning and i
look outside the stars are burning through this
changing time it could have been anything we want
it's fine salvation was just a passing thought.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

did i mention it is 2ºC? it is 2ºC. and SNOWING.

it's SNOWING. it's also april 4. APRIIL 4. a kid just walked by covered in snow. i know this is boston but this is RIDICULOUS.