Monday, February 27, 2006

tomorrow belongs to asia.

off from the economist, a prophecy that would probably mean many things to different people. for the US perhaps, and europe, that would be a prophecy of doom for quite a few. for asia, southeast and otherwise, it's a foregone conclusion. we're just waking up, we like to point out. we're just getting started. wait till you hear us roar.
and for some others all around the world, it's no surprise. the few demographically sustainable countries are almost all in asia. of these countries, those that have the most potential (obviously china and india) are in asia. investment that goes into these countries ALONE could power a no-kid-left-behind policy for the US and then some.
maybe that's why there's a boom in such cross-country mergers. you see big companies getting bigger, and government companies becoming privatised and you think, wow, progress yay :) i dunno.\\gosh i'm sleepy and i have work. will continue this train of thought later.
the 5 of us in the newsroom are absolutely unable to work. this is probably gonna persist for the rest of the week, especially when results come back. so. (#*%&(@#&%( i don't know what i'm gonna do when i find out i dont have to go up on stage...shit now i'm speculating [sounds like scapula, but only less funny]. thank you very much, my colleagues.

my dog snores. it goes "snark snork hnnnng". it sounds like dad does. which is one of the reasons i keep giggling.

dad's being dignified about it.

w00t 2 days. hahaha..

Sunday, February 26, 2006

caught in the act.
oh gods.
just visited the blog and saw this on the quotes:

"Instant idiot - just add alcohol."

hurhur how apt :P

in any case i've resolved the Issues, and it basically goes along the lines of f*** this i care not. i have what i want, and for those that matter they don't care. and those that care don't matter.


heyyyyyy lyla...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

fairly..disturbing events hath come to light, in a way. i guess now i'm kinda stuck trying to figure out what i'm portraying myself as, and its leaving a rather bad taste in my mouth. have i changed all that much since i went into ac? have i pandered to popular opinion so badly? i dont know. they [the ubiquitous they] say you shouldn't bother about what people think of you, but i'm sorry, i can't let that go. it matters to me. and even actions matter, because people keep taking things the wrong way. all the time, without fail. its like it's inborn in us to think the worst of the rest, and never the better or the best things you could think of.
thank you.
/end existential angst.

music of the moment - oasis - the importance of being idle
mood of the moment - disgusted/guilty/disturbed/inadequate

Friday, February 24, 2006

and yet and yet i can condone belarus. why? is there a particular reason why i can actively believe i should give one party a chance, while the other should be brought down by all means necessary?

perhaps it's because one is so entrenched in hopelessness that any chance is welcome, while the other never really got a chance at all to prove their mettle.

too tired and unfeeling to post much. shall move on to mundane things that orbit my brain.

got back late last night after having to port the windshield-shatterer into his room >.< i thought maybe my zoukout-alcohol-competition-win was due to me drinking less than the blur one, but last night proved otherwise. or maybe not. lets see...6 of us. 2 jugs of weak-ish long island tea. 2 more jugs of rather stronger long island tea. 1 vodkaredbull each. tried the cage, realised we were tooo sober ("i'm still registering things! more!" and "you're the hottest girl here but i'm sorry that's not a compliment. it's because the girls here are all fugly!") so back for tequila shots, found a jpflug who bought one more round (thankyou!) and back to dancing and watching the blur one's eyes roll up in his head. *mutter*

but fun all the same. and while waiting for the blur one to come back from the restroom (he didn't, he went out so i waited in vain) an italian guy tried to pick me up 0.0 thoroughly interesting :P

Thursday, February 23, 2006

results are on ash wed, 2 pm. this damn wed.

holy mother cow.

we're having panic attacks in the newsroom. i'm breathinging in jacket.

i have never felt this scared in my life.

holy monkey cow.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

i'm riled again. it's interesting, that people can become a statistic, that people can be blown up and yet i don't feel as thoroughly annoyed as i do when i find out some irreplaceable part of human history and culture is attacked. perhaps it's because masonry cannot fight back, perhaps it's because humans have been blown up for so long in iraq i have become inured to them. and this is a scary thought: that we have seen such violence for so long and in places so far away that the deaths of many doesn't move one because it doesn't strike home.

maybe this is why those in the united states are so..self-absorbed. they know huge, momentous things are going on in the world around them, but to them these are not huge nor momentous because it doesn't touch the little orbit of their lives physically or on some deepseated, close emotional level. so they trundle along their little ellipsoid, orbiting themselves, dismissing these explosives as "oh some disagreement over some cartoons" or "another suicide attack" without ever -knowing- what they mean, merely verbally purging what they heard on the television, mediated masses that they are.

but back to the point. i am upset that people see fit to strike at people through their beliefs, or symbols of their beliefs. i am just as unhappy over the double standards posed to the muslim world via the cartoons of their prophets while the denunciation of auschwitz is a crime [denouncing that is stupid by the way. are those gas chambers you see in there supposed to be showers?], as i am over the blowing up of the golden dome in iraq to destabilise the shi'ites. its such a puerile way of showing your defiance, like vandalism on a grander scale without the artistic value of graffiti. i'm angry in the way i'm angry over the theft of priceless artifacts from the tombs of dead kings - i'm angry over the loss of culture, the loss of a part of history, the diminishing of who you are and what you are through someone's culpable stupidity or greed and absolute cowardice at attacking people who cannot fight back. and with each life you take, with each monument you bring down, you're reducing yourself [though you can't see it, myopic zeal blinkering you like so many flies during australia's summer], you're losing your cultured mass[es] to the anarchic chaos of warped idealism.

and i am angry over the myopic view of your little, little mind, that you cannot see past the cycle of violence you so cheerfully buy into. and i pity you, that some of you -can- see past that, and yet are trapped because you can see no way out. turning the other cheek in this day and anger will get you killed instead of merely hit, because no one who should subscribes to that view, or if they did, it's long gone now, buried under layers of despairing cynicism and heartbreak, because that's the only way anyone can survive now.

my life is words, i know now. i depend on words, who flow and shape the world, my world, who weave into a tapestry that lulls me to sleep with its sussurating silence. so when i say those things to you, when i cry and breathe you in with every damn breath because it's never enough, tread softly, because you tread on my dreams

so on to more prosaic things, on to my little orbit of my life because i promised and some people monitor my blog >.< yes, i pulled a 14hour-er, and i pulled a 9-hourer last night as well. catching up on sleep on weekdays...what an impossibility! but nothing's impossible here mm? 'sides, when you're cheerfully nursing a fever at the workplace and falling asleep in front of your comp a la school-wise, sleep is good. murr.

and i thoroughly recommend "rumour has it" simply because shirley maclaine is absolutely hilarious. we nearly died during the movie, and she's just so deadpan about it while delivery absolutely saucy lines. like how she evicts jennifer aniston's fiance from the room after whacking him in the face with the door[i'm not gonna tell you how she does it. i'd spoil it for you]. we were giggling throughout dinner and ben&jerrys. hur.

yes, i know i used "we" in that description. don't practice journalism on me. no, i'm not gonna tell you because i'm feeling mischievous today. (and i keep thinking mischievous should be spelled mischievious because that looks more shneaky. like sneaky. with extra shneak.)

and my previous post was not so much anti-american as anti-absolute-stupidity-and-ridiculous-culpability. i'm not anti-anything except ridiculous lacks-in-judgementitis and blind-zealotry and evangelism. 'specially evangelism.

and i'm moving to starting next post. because discombobulating is fun, but neurovoring, especially creating other neurovores, is better.

Between the pedestals of night and morning,
Between red death and radiant desire,
With not one sound of triumph or warning,
Stands the great sentry on the bridge of fire,
O transient soul, thy thought with dreams adorning,
Cast down the laurel, and unstring the lyre:
The wheels of time are turning, turning, turning,
The slow stream channels deep and doth not tire.
Gods on their bridge above,
Whispering lies and love,
Shall mock your passage down the sunless river,
Which, rolling all it streams,
Shall take you, King of dreams
- Unthroned and unapproachable forever -
To where the kings who dreamed of old
Whiten in habitations monumental cold.

-James Elroy Flecker

i will greet you with poems, and put you to sleep with dreams. you will wake with butterfly kisses and haunting refrains in your eyes.
Estimated amount of glucose used by an adult human brain each day, expressed in M&Ms: 250
-- Harper's Index, October 1989

and the best thing is, that's just your brain! ^^

i slept for 14 hours yesterday. more on that later.

Monday, February 20, 2006

what angers me is that brazen headline announcing that the us and israel are making no effort to hide the fact that they are plotting the downfall of hamas. set aside the israel-palestine issue for the moment - what i have to say is not about who's right and left and running down the roadmap, but about who's trampling on the vintage of the grapes of due process and international law. and it's not hard to see who that is.

for the purposes of this argument, i don't care who blew up what and who killed who [sounds like the holy grail, monty python or otherwise], but its just that if you so happily encouraged democratic elections and yet hoped that the people you like come to power, doesn't that put you along the lines of somalia and congo and other rigged election states? if you say, yes, we support democracy, but you turn against the people who came to power by democratic means, aren't you turning back on your word? does your word mean nothing, your plaudits and pundits who laud your move into iraq and planting of the democratic shrub mere background noise against your own petty will?

evidently yes.

and the best thing is that you style yourself the "bastion of freedom and human rights". i just read this transcript of a bbc interview with mary robinson, the ex-un commissioner for human rights, and she notes that what the us does, the world will follow because they think that that's the new standard, or excuse themselves that way. but it's not. it's just that the us binds itself to international law, but these paper chains only hold when they suit the us. otherwise they are summarily disregarded, like in the case of guantanamo. the problem arises when others cheerfully ape these new "standards" and point to the us saying "but the standards have changed". they haven't. and neither has the us. they have never learned that while you may be above the law in terms of no-one-can-force-you-to-do-anything, you aren't above the common law, the law of the people, the law of the street, the land of public opinion. and, usa, you've condemned yourself there. you aren't the knight in shining armour, you aren't an inspiration to cast off the chains of dictatorial oppression, and you sure as hell aren't making any friends. your duplicity is the fodder for dictators, your plotting the fuel for frenzy, and you've given yourself the slack to hang from the scaffold of troubles you have aggravated.

why can't you wait? sinn fein managed peace in ireland, after the democratic process that ran its course. why can't you wait? when it's entirely possible they could discredit themselves. yes, you want them to discredit themselves, but your haste to help them will trip you. they can blame it on you, and they will. and it's back to square one, back to the drawing board, back home to die.

so this is your legacy. "you will have democracy, but democracy on my terms." and that is no democracy at all.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

we're building spaceports. we're building spaceports. i can't believe it.

and all you disgruntled people who whine about cross-compatibility, you win. i have to do it anyways so i can see it from work >P be gruntled.
things to do today: click on your archive links, and read a few of your old posts. quite fascinating.


..take me down to the paradise city
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
oh, won't you please take me home..

music of the moment - guns n roses - paradise city. the guitar.
mood of the moment - phwaorexhausted. MRAOWR.
well since i've managed to get the damn thing up and running (and bugger off if you're complaining that it's not cross-browser-compatible. i'll drown you in wood shavings until you have a hernia.) i should probably post something.

how about: i haven't seen my family for dinner for nearly this whole week. work et al. hazardous pursuits...and tiring too. how about: i stayed up till 3.45am on sunday getting this right? and woke up 4 hours later to go play at church! w00t! ohshitimgonnadie.

valentines day was thoroughly amusing/nauseating. if you look at the escalator to the esplanade, you see people walking off the escalator in twos. and if you go onto the rooftop or walk down by the esplanade near the water, you can't move for couples. at least, there's 1 pair at every metre of wall. bleargh.

and yes, i went to mos, and yes i got thoroughly sloshed. in my defence, it was tzesiew's jug of "negotiated" long island tea that did me in. 2 people sharing a jug of extremely strong long island tea is impossible. never again. i never never want to lose control again. not something i'm proud of. so now you know.

incidentally while i was coding the damn thing, this quote came up:

'The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun.'
-- P. G. Wodehouse

considering cheny's adventures with potshots, this is thoroughly apt.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

oh nevermind solving these problems is supremely satisfying hur
btw if anyone can fix the overflow problem i'd be really really grateful

Thursday, February 02, 2006

cessante ratione legis cessat ipsa lex

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

sunday morning rain is falling
steal some covers share some skin
clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
you twist to fit the mold that I am in..

its jazzy. great chords. probably the best maroon 5 song. our song, mm?

music of the moment - maroon 5 - sunday moment morning
mood of the moment - mm content.
i went through my old stuff, and gods i didn't know i could write like this. it's like when you go through your gp essays after the exam and go, i wrote this?

in a good or bad way.

btw. stuff to know:
gelem - "raw material", in hebrew, the surmised root word of golem.
zeroth - the absolute first, ultimate
myelin sheaths are the fatty insulation around the nerves and neurones, that facilitate the transmission of impulses along the nerves

somatic markers
your generation is fed
on birth control, rock and roll
and bytes of a bygone era
when gripping trees was the only exercise we had for our
fingers, that now grasp canes and tremble
helplessly, in the face of the internet.

you say you know of iraq, and reel
off statutes, figures and names on your
fingers that wave so confidently with your
arrogance (it seems almost blinding,
your transition from gelem to golem that
i bet you can't see the gleam
you have become of a machine)
it's in your eyes.

i bet you can't feel when the images
flicker past you like so many pictures
you see in the papers (but you always turn to the funnies
don't you?)
carnage flickers past quickly, filed into storage, ready for
recall, but really, they mean nothing to one accustomed in thinking
in ones and zeroeths. (the computer thinks not of its files, it just
emotions, hah! an anachronism
in the 30th century! and the world today is
fastfastfast, we want speedspeed, more t1, t2, t3
gigabytes of information pouring down thy eyes -
from truth to death,
you know everything, and yet you know nothing.

you know not of the rain on your face, or the joy it is to
run free, or the power that a tree's crown can give you.
your sunlight only falls on your face, only your mind runs
free[d] in your mind on the information superhighway,
and your thicket-thorn of viruses stops all traffic.
progress is a good thing, we shall not miss the old,
you say, with quiet confidence
and who are we to argue with the future?
your jungle is concretized, your seabed electrified
we are interconnected
and that is good.

you will not miss us, we are the misshapen clay.
creators shall go back to the shadows, you are the next
step in a world that cloned dolly,
you myelinated sheaths overrule our emotional heartbeat,
cogitational machinery rules the world.
we are your fastfast-frankenstein, your stitched-together zombie
we are what you made us,
and we will rule the world we built,
plugged-in, spell-bound,
and numb.

music of the moment - gavin degraw - chariot
mood of the moment - mildly pensive. mm. it's the musick