Saturday, April 30, 2005

third time's the charm, apparently. argh.

on a side note, i've been asked (no, ordered) to spread the word by the powers that be in comics mart in serene that aaron chong is present. for those who watch eye for a guy on those late late wednesday nights (i'm sorry, i dont.), yes, -the- aaron chong. for those who don't, click here. the powers that be expect a horde descending on their poor shop (or if not, they will have confimation as to why the horde is not descending on their poor shop) sometime soon, so girls, you know what to do ;p

he looks better in real life, i must admit.

it takes two to tango. i cannot do it alone.

Friday, April 29, 2005

yet again, my belief in a tokenistic method of governance has been almost irrefutably bolstered (i have to stop using qualifiers and quantifiers). they give us a morning talk show on "teenagers are mollycoddled, spoilt, pampered, ill-equipped to deal with the real world and selfish and etcetc" yes. but we talk about so many things we never really deal with "are they really all these things". i dunno. sounds like beuracracy to meeeeee(maggiemaggiemaggie)...

on a side note, i now have 5 white mice at home in addition to 1 dog, 2 hamsters and 3 brothers. what a zoo.

eyes trace the contours, sketchily and yet sculpted like michaelangelo's masterpiece. quiet, subtle appreciation from an inimitable, unimaginable distance. warm tracery - so near and yet so far away - a touch, a breath, and life comes in all its smouldering swarthy glory.

"but he doesn't say a f-----' word, you know. just goes upstairs to his room, locks the door, and lays down on his bed." -stephen king, the body

Thursday, April 28, 2005

3319. yes i'm bored.
i conclude that religion is selfish. naturally, i start from the back, the gut instinct, the feeling that someone somewhere will read this and flay me for it. and the end is also the reason why i think it's selfish. i should probably include a caveat here, to say that not all of religion is selfish and stuff like that (i actually do, but fundamentalists will never believe it anyway so why bother.)

when i say selfish, i mean the idea of self, me, mine, numero uno, my own me personality, me myself and my ego. strangely many religions believe in a "self-after-life", the fact that one oneself and one's ego still persists when one dies. which is strange in religions preaching society above self and god above all. don't you become one with the divine, one with the whole (in)effable plan? why the necessity for the persistence of self? then again, do you remain yourself in heaven or the afterlife? do we become happy mindless automatons content with doing good singing praises saying prayers meditating playing harps? fine, that's not self, but that's not an afterlife one can be happy with.

no wonder the world's getting secular, and people are falling away from their faith quietly, subtly, like a shadow of a moth on the ceiling just before it is devoured.

then again, religion is also the worship of the essence of society, it's values, beliefs, norms, culture (what an anachronism. it doesn't hold real meaning in this globalised world of pontification communication (and excommunication) and cultural crosswinds that travel with the tradewinds). religion can justify society, can hold up society, can tear down society, but ultimately it can define and be a society. so we worship a society, the society we believe it. we can pick and choose from the 80 billion or more societies in the world (each one inside each little bit of humanity but oh so amazing that humanity can sometimes be lacking), and yet in the end doesn't that mean we worship ourselves? selfjustification. just like attributing all wondrous things to god and leaving no room for humanity to even have a chance to prove itself.

for the sake of ms.j, lets just give a balanced side of this [tokenistic though it may seem with my current status quo]. religion can be good. such a powerful force is like a gun - good in the right hands, bloody hell if not. religion does save those who want to be saved, it does provide purpose for the aimless and it is the reason for many [i forget the end of this sentence. fill it in yourself. you can probably do it better.]. i wouldn't prescribe three dosages of it and call-me-in-the-morning, because if you don't believe it'll just kill you from the inside. so this is why i'm not comfortable around the seriously deeply religious who attribute everything to god [and i do mean everything, sometimes] because i'd like to think i give humanity a chance, or at least the benefit of the doubt.

and here i am doing what i accuse religion of doing, taking the moral high ground in order to point out how sucky we are so that it can feel good. [how hypocritical.] but then, i never tried to take all the moral high ground, just a little bit of it. [selfjustification.] whatever.

this is what you get for waking up in bible sharing at the wrong moment. cynicism can be a pain. so can lack of sleep.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

i know this is a bit late, but heck. fun stuff.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Messenger Plus! 3.50

Thursday, April 21, 2005

doo, doo doo dadadaa daa doodoodoodoop doodoop doodoop doop
now this is somewhat scary. its on realplayer, goto 48:30.

on a side note, i have rediscovered tom lerher again. WHEEE!!!

mood of the moment - pacifical. in every sense of the word
music of the mo[o]ment - tom lerher - the hunting song just stand there looking cute,
and when something moves, you shoot...

Monday, April 18, 2005

all the cows are gone....:(

on a side note, have effectively taken self out of training for a while thanks to tendon being sprained for a month at least.

still not over it all...
all the cows are gone....:(

on a side note, have effectively taken self out of training for a while thanks to tendon being sprained for a month at least.

still not over it all...

Sunday, April 17, 2005

i'm bouncing from blog to blog like a random puffball blown by eddy currents. too much has changed. i should, i guess, but there's a certain charm in not changing.
heeheehee. we have a pink cow now.

started when we were driving back home, and realised that there were significantly less cows in the field than there were before. so we decided to get ours that night. what's amusing is that we worried over being seen and caught and worked out escape routes and stuff and many, many excuses until we got there. we piled out of the car, jumped the fence...and what do we see but a fellow cow stealer trotting along the roadside toting a pink cow on his head.

we kinda gave up on secrecy at that point.

and we ended up stuffing 2 cows in the car (mom refused to get more than one :( ) and giving him a lift home. turns out he was planning to walk nearly a third of 6th ave with a cow on his head :| how daring.

i <3 cow. want an orange one too.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

you know how they go out in the us at night and go cow tipping??


Friday, April 15, 2005

i just saw the pictures. and i couldnt not cry.
today is link day. therefore:
kitties and stunts.
l337 517h
black knnnniiggget!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

mwahahah. today, we see the briefed, true side of our glorious military. in the now misconstrued and deliberately twisted words of a self-proclaimed "glorious opposition" acting in the absence of one, we see they have admitted to spying (what a shock! and such a trusting world we live in! so much for civilisation), deliberately choosing the winning side (which begs the question/situation of whether we'll pull a kerry once in a while on global issues [ok so i'm being mean. ish.]), positive (affirmative action people! only not institutionalised! so they say!) and negative (lets waffle until i see your eyes glaze over and then pretend i answered your question, okay?) discrimination! shock and horror! or maybe not. i suppose he is telling the truth, insofar as he can, and some of it could possibly (shock and horror again!) be true. certainly they sound sensible. we probably should not have put him on the spot. i mean, of course making a value judgement on the united states is so much more taboo than making one on china. and we should waffle on homosexuals - it makes it so much harder to hide our assumptions otherwise.

[and this is a happy link word to link two disparate paragraphs together]

i have never really felt patriotism. or rather, (i should qualify), i have never felt school spirit. i dont know if i will, or what i'm feeling now is school spirit, but it's probably the closest i'll come to it. it's kind of hard to distance your friends from your school/group when you're all running under the same banner, so when you cheer them on you cheer on the school as well because that's what we're all bursting our hearts and lungs for.

and it hurts so badly to see them suffer through themselves that you really really want to take it all away and stop the pain they're putting themselves through but you can't because this self-scarring is one they have to come to terms with themselves and all you can do is be there for them. and you can't take it away because you have no right to, none at all, and this really is something that you shouldn't interfere in. is this pity or empathy? i'd rather the latter. i'd hesitate to use the four letter word (l---) and f-----ship (fill in the blanks, buy a vowel!) because some things are easily misconstrued and you'd -never- hear the end of it. but if a symptom of this is protectiveness, then yes. i love my friends.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

i dont remember if i've posted this already, but it's freaking hilarious.

on a side note, my mom has resorted to asking me her credit card number so she doesnt have to refer to it when she has to write it down. don't even talk about lazy (>Þ); i don't even spend that much!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

it happened twice, a week apart, same place, same damn situation :| and somehow everyone knows but me, but that's to be expected i suppose.

so, no worries.

time to post more often