Sunday, January 30, 2005

i told myself i was on a self-destruct sequence and it sounded so esoteric and meaningful and wise and literature-y that i thought it might be a nice thing to post (note post, not write) on the blog. then i realised it was called life, and felt that this made it was even more so so i did.

then i felt foolish and like a pretentious ass.

so i did it anyway.
it just hit me how those "type in these confirmation codes so that we can verify through magical psychic powers that you aren't an alien/spambot/technologically impaired sod that wants to post a random comment on this blog" things that livejournal has are so, so evil to dyslexic people. the dots and warped and misaligned letters simply do not help people who have difficulty figuring out the difference between a c and a d, much less the position of the letters...


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

due to an unfortunte misclick, i have lost all my contacts for the upteenth time. feel free to pile misfortune on me, and please do let me know your numbers, because i have no idea who you people are. again.


ooh and i probably have your outdated numbers.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Conservatives Pick Soft Target: A Cartoon Sponge

i dont know if you can see this article, but it seems that spongebob has replaced harry potter as the root of all evil, or at least the insidious brainwashing of thousands of kids. because spongebob was used in a video to promote "tolerance", apparently conservative christian groups included "tolerance of sexual identity" under that ambit. "according to one spokesman for the conservative christian group: "We see the video as an insidious means by which the [We Are Family Foundation, not the We Are Family gay and lesbian group] is manipulating and potentially brainwashing kids," they know he's gay because "he holds hands with his animated sidekick Patrick and likes to watch the imaginary television show "The Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy."

wth. spongebob evil, spongebob must die.

if we turned our attention from these rediculous accusations and petty pickings, we'd probably be more productive.

i'll probably get flamed for this. whatev.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

on the way back in the cab, the song playing on 95.0 was oddly appropriate to what rah and i were discussing. tragedy strikes in waves, and leaves you floundering to avoid the riptide that threatens to wash you away in the aftermath. and now it's playing fragile by sting and all you want to do is forget but you can't, because it'd be a dishonour. you may not know them, but if you are human and i hope to god you still are in this era of brutality and insensitivity, you'd grieve too.

its alright i'm ok
i think god can explain

Sunday, January 16, 2005

amusing quotes from little kids:

1. elaine's 2 year old precocious girl is playing with her toy farm, and the rest of us are eating. after a while we hear "little pig, little pig, let me come in, little pig, little pig, let me come in..." over and over again. so elaine asks "so what did the little pig say?"


2. everyone's eating tea discussing brother being the shortest boy of his secondary school class, the only shorter one being a girl. so other brother reminisces that he used to be the third shortest in his class in acsi. original brother:

"were you the shortest boy?"

that one never thinks before speaking...

Saturday, January 15, 2005

you're just a one liner at the end of a paragraph.
...all they see is the facade. they don't notice the people behind the bars, the blood behind the window, the tears behind the mask.

and it's better that way.
lesson from yesterday at city hall mrt. if you are going to wait for people within the ticket barrier and look out for them by peering down at the stairs in the belief that you can spot them in the bleeding multitudes that issue forth from that gaping maw, do not wear a short skirt. if you do, wear shorts underneath (with reference to school uniforms, though that will probably not be a problem). denim skirts that have problems extending to mid-thigh are a no-no. then again, if you are actually wearing that kinda thing, you probably wouldnt mind the attention. no, i'm being mean.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

well now they seem to have resolved it. good grief. we do more dangerous and stupid things at home, from climbing out onto the roof to romping around storm drains, scuffling and outright brawling. pity the poor kid whose parent wrote in. i'll bet the warning is purely tokenistic.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

anyone else read the taupok letter? come on, jc just isnt the same without the rough play, the pain and the black eyes. and, oh yes. a thousand kilos of bodies on your poor spine that is lying flat on the ground. your guts are in more danger. even our teachers get taupoked.

i'm sorry, i just find it horribly amusing that parents would be (undertandably) horrified that their delicate kids are getting taupoked even though worse happens through people running through corridors and playing rugby or basketball. and taupok isnt the half of it.
wow. i last posted a month ago. how shocking.

in any case, i've changed from happy-going-to-whistler to oh-crap-i'm-gonna-die. i mean, my position in life and with regards to Knowledge of Topics and Subjects is under Woefully Inadequate, capitals, warts and all. maybe it can get up to Barely Passable or at least Vaguely Uncertain, but i can't see past that. heh. in any case, expect posts every 2 months i think. considering my post frequency.

diploma achieved. landed (with) lrsm. will die. 'nuff said. moving on.

have also discovered bonnie pink, a jap artist. not bad.

have also discovered catharsis. it's quite good. i recommend it to anyone.