Monday, June 30, 2003

the sandman series rocks. totally. absolutely. its cemented on the wishlist now. :P

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Happy Deathday!
Your name:sonia
You will die on:Sunday, October 21, 2018
You will die of:Caffeine Overdose
Created by Quill

i find that horribly, horribly amusing.

bosnia will die of alcohol poisoning, Sonia dies of food poisoning, roguewrath dies of a stroke and quetzalovercoatl dies of a sexually transmitted disease =\ what the hell is exsanguination?
mmm. f1. kimi's radiator burst. then big brother schumacher spun onto gravel and ended up 5th. little brother ralf ended up first. eventful no?

Saturday, June 28, 2003

hmm. am very stoned, but forsee sleeping late as usual. not good eh? nice sleepover. oh well.

Friday, June 27, 2003

ooooooooooooooooo. nice new layout of the posting page.

anyways. interesting flash animation of the monty python speech on the versitality of the english language. with respect to a certain word. i think this was the one ram was talking about.

advisable to ensure parents and impressionable and loose-mouthed siblings are out of earshot.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

mm.63 new email messages. and sunburns. go-karting is fun! unless you're stupid like me and dont put the visor down...

the monkeys at the andaman are really aggressive. they're macaques, and if you go out onto the balcony to eat, within 3 minutes you're surrounded by 6 monkeys. 2 males, 2 females and 2 juveniles. they're all delinquents. and they sit in..obscene postures. you even get to see a nature lesson *cough*.

contact adhesive is hell to get off your fingers.

ok. time to do catching up. i dread having to sleep on sunburns. argle. yow.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

whee! snorkeling is good! but seawater gets in your mouth a lot (and tastes bad) and occasionally you cough and gag because you think you dont have enough air. but the corals are nice! saw 4-5 sea slugs (they all look the same), angel fish, clown fish (hello nemo!), parrot fish, fish-that-look-like-parrot-fish, x-ray fish, fish-that-look-like-x-ray-fish, sea urchin (spiky), sea anemone, and brains.

whee! and spent a long time swimming. sleeping in the shallow end of the pool is nice. but if you sleep on the deck chair, you get slowly roasted. mmmf.

oh, and i nearly forgot. to quote my dad, malaysia is the only place that rents cars on an empty to empty basis. you have to fill it up. and they get free petrol. malaysia definately boleh. :|

mmm. pleasantly tired.

thinking of you...


Monday, June 23, 2003

oooooh. i LOVE this hotel! langkawi rules! lots of flora and fauna and stuff :) points to note:

- albino fish are scary-ish
- little kittens that are really young and small make the family go daft over them
- dad likes to go down the winding road really fast ("ahh! no road! no road! i dont see any road!")
- the andaman is LOVELY. like, opulence to the max.
- the food is good. the roads, however, practically guarantee that you'll lose it :|
- crabs are cute. :| we found hermit crab shells. unfortunately they were occupied. one was returned to sea. the other accompanied us to dinner. then brother guilty of not letting it go put it back. what were you thinking...:P
- its hot. HOT hot. but its cool up on the mountian. and i'm really unfit. woo. wobbly legs after climbing steps.
- they have nice computers here.

uh. cant remember what else. will post more. probably when i come back.

strange dreams.....


Thursday, June 19, 2003

argh. half an hour hamster hunt. stupid hamster. its not funny! hides everywhere.
whee! the new house will have a server!!

i hope :P

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

playing pool:
was happily whacking the solid balls into the holes and wondering why the hell preet kept getting to move the white ball to shoot.

me: why do you get to move the white ball around everytime i sink a shot?
preet: thanks
me: uh. what am i? solids or stripes?
preet: STRIPES!!
me: oops.

wooo! yay jazz!
loved the renditions of the the one note samba, manha de carnaval...oh! and sesame street! that was good :) toots thielemans rules! and jeremy monteirio! and adam nussbaum (who does cool things with the drums like whacking the underside of the cymbals and hand squeaking rhythm solos) and jay anderson (cool double bass!) wheee!!!

*wham!* how to get to sesame streeeet......

were you there?

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

hmm. mom will now be constantly irritated by us imitating the seagulls in finding nemo whenever we want stuff.

mine! mine! mine!

Monday, June 16, 2003

# Find a sword, and people will follow you. People wielding morning stars, for instance, have rarely led anyone to glory.

# The strongest person in any group will usually have the intellectual capacity of soup. Note that this rule also applies to real life.

# While it is true that death is merely a minor setback for the average video game character, there is one driving force capable of inflicting it far beyond the realm of redemption. This force is known only as "The Plot".

# If you don’t fix the problem, then nobody ever will. For example: Timmy has fallen down the well. If you don’t rescue him, then nobody ever will, even over the course of, say, five or six months. Timmy will still be down the well patiently awaiting your rescue. This odd phenomenon is the work of the Plot.

# Animals hate you, and will try to kill you once you leave town.

# Plants hate you too, and most of them can try and kill you, as well.

# Everything carries money, including the hordes of homicidal flora and fauna that roam the countryside.

# After hitting an enemy, it is only polite to stand still so they can hit you back.

# On that note, expect to steal or loot things from enemies that they really have no business carrying in the first place. A common example would be a serum of antivenom found on the dead body of a poisonous snake, or a powerful sword found on the body of a creature with neither the mental capacity nor the opposable thumbs to use it.

excerpts from BTB's Indespensible Rules of RPG's
hmm. my parents are watching mib and identifying chairs. i know that they're trying to furnish the house, but when you start furniture-spotting, something's definately overboard...

hi mom. :P

Sunday, June 15, 2003

popped down to challenger today to use up the voucher i won for xlab. piggybacked smallest brother halfway up, and carried him on my shoulders the rest of the way :P he immediately went off to view the xbox section. smart boy.

now possess the myst trilogy and rayman 3. also possess headache from the screwy camera angles from rayman 3. harmless entertainment :P

mmf. should do work. but i lost my chinese stuff. laoshi is going to be disappointed in me :(

Saturday, June 14, 2003

rmun presentations. yay. i caused a traffic jam in the up-to-that-point-on-time sc presentation schedule due to a faulty laptop. ugh. and i went overtime too.

but choir prac was fun :) singing hotel california on guits too :) whee!

Friday, June 13, 2003

Strange quote of the day as found on the web:
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather,
Not screaming in terror like his passengers...


stability via tension in all directions. stability via tension. all directions. stability in all tensions in all directions.urk.


268 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiils. mad person.

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Dream, the third of The Endless, you are in charge of the Dreaming, all imagination and creativity, everyone knows your beautiful realm, but none truly understand it. You are dark and%2
Dream, the third of The Endless, you are in charge
of the Dreaming, all imagination and
creativity, everyone knows your beautiful
realm, but none truly understand it. You are
dark and brooding, creative, and spend a lot of
time by yourself, just thinking. You are almost
as serious as Destiny, but not quite. Everyone
is enchanted by you, but you keep them all at a
distance, even when you shouldn't.

Which Endless are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Death, the second of The Endless, you are responsible for ending all lives and taking them to your realm, from which no one ever returns. You are bright, positive, happy, optimistic%2
Death, the second of The Endless, you are
responsible for ending all lives and taking
them to your realm, from which no one ever
returns. You are bright, positive, happy,
optimistic and enjoy everything about life, but
that does not mean your silly or stupid. You
can lay the smack down when you have to!
Everyone loves you, and they don't know why.

Which Endless are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

ooo. yay :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

sandman. morpheus.
destiny. death. dream. despair. desire. destruction. delirium.
dream eaters.

and your eyes have all the seeming
of a demon that is dreaming...

Sleep Dep. apt.
ugh. i want to kill/throttle/maim.
apparently i stayed up till 2 for NOTHING because the presentation is due TOMORROW not TODAY. *glare*

mmf. hate that.

Monday, June 09, 2003

its. earlymorninish
stupid rmun
For All Evil Doers! Get Everything Evil Here!

i couldnt resist :P
oo. its OVER. wheee!! hate calculating how much you lost.. mmph.

now to do RMUN!!! damn. stupid 12th. ARGH. CHOPIN!!!

mmmf. stability by equal tension in all directions.

obviously that's not happening in the brain.

Sunday, June 08, 2003

the trees rise up tall tall TALL
waving to the sunlight
whispering insinuations and invitations
mock-dancing around
for my benefit
flaunting the wealth of the world
in green[back]s and golds

come out and play...

i'll stay by my pixels and bytes
child of the computer age, while you
beat yourself futilely
against my invisible prison of
binary digits, infrared, radio waves and carpal tunnel syndromes and
dash yourself to death
from green to red
to black

go ask the sky to play with you instead

Saturday, June 07, 2003

mmm. hamsters are cute :) and small. and fluffy. now they look like little fuzzy dots. when they get fat, they'll become bit fuzzy spheres

they're like fuzzy sausages. or slugs.
and they're bloody small.

did i mention they poop a lot?

*sigh* herrball, fürball and kooshball. hyperactive little hamsters. suicidal too.

bloody cute.


Friday, June 06, 2003

well. you cant say we didnt try :|

considering that we were a 2 week training team, we did pretty well for both teams. now just if i can hang on to that thought. :|

still. congrats team 1 :) you guys did a great job. seriously.

mm. now if i can just concentrate on the o levels...

oh yes. and we might get suspended. however, considering mr adrian chan's puckish sense of humour, i seriously doubt it.

woo. suspension for climbing out of windows and being caught by teachers who were, tough luck, just there at the time. render me scared.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

my muse ran away, and no amount of enticing will bring her back.
she's lost among the broken glass
the crown of thorns among her brow
where the cautious lie in wait with glass jars
ready to catch the unwary fairy
ready to make her dance.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Your magical style is Magus.

What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox


Monday, June 02, 2003

ooh good blog for matrix fans and pseudo philosophical stuff here. plus the matrix resuessed :P

Sunday, June 01, 2003

current thought:

why the hell am i even trying to study chinese when i know i'm not going to even get my target? i cant study at all, even mom thinks that i'm not serious about this. gee. even i note that i'm taking too many breaks. lets get ready for a f9 shall we? or rather an ungraded paper.

oh, and i'm still pissed at a certain someone.