Thursday, February 27, 2003

am mildly annoyed at moe, to say the least and the most.

on the other hand, training was hilarious :) prickly situations abound...:P

Sunday, February 23, 2003

manomanoman. theater system in your own house rocks, especially if its so like the cinema!
and no, it wasnt at my house.

lotr on xbox not too good. :|
the amount of dust your computer can gather on its surface is staggering.and also vaguely scary. it looks like i just wiped out a colony of semi-sentient dust bunnies from the corners of my computer drives.

but it looks cleaner now. and more healthy.

Saturday, February 22, 2003


you seriously dont want to know how much a patent will cost you.

more than an arm and a leg. and that's saying something.

i feel much, much better :)

after training, claud and i trot down to nus to see the vc finals, ri vs acs(i). notable events include the "take this green, white and black hawk down" (and the subsequent..erm...applause) and "the worst is yet to be"

oh, and "trust the un!!"

then we took a bus/walked out of the campus, discussing the relativity of "downwards" and "upwards" and cabbed to mount e.

the expression on kitson's face was priceless. *grin*

thats it. any more and i'll be incriminated/exhumed/incarcerated or something. :P

Friday, February 21, 2003

hmm strange. i cant get claud's blog...

and i cant get lucas', or sam's, or sam's...

have motion, will travel :|

against cat high 1, quite bad. against acs 1 even worse. but debate training today was fun - i think we all had a bit too much chocolate. ram came in a bad mood, stuffed himself with chocolate, and persuaded himself that the day could only get better....according to him, it did get sufficiently better to override his sandals-turned-flip-flops. talk about bouncing, crapping, teachers, and the effects of writing on the position of heads. :P

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

status of onion - rerooting.
i have never seen a more sadistic vegetable.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

status of onion - rooting
status of me - stoned/mood-swingy/bliss (listening to chopin!! :):):)
pin plays utopia. i am amazed/astounded/amused/shocked.

i assume he just started.
mmmm. chopin....eugene plays it really well :)
ballade in g minor...

and i'm still very amused. :)

mood of the moment - grinning/mildly amused
music of the moment - chopin - ballade in g minor

Monday, February 17, 2003

bah. xlab has caused little brothers to become upset. *roll eyes* anyone else have this problem?? no? damn.

my onion is growing. whee. its right next to me on a st. dalfour's jam jar and looks like a demented vegetative democrat or something. its menacing my phone.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

oh shit. and i cant find my organizer...

im gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

thank yew.
i'm so screwed. i cant find my file.

on another note, i'm damn tired as well, aching all over, the skin behind my ankles are rubbed raw and i'm feeling on top of the world. just ran/walked 2-4 clicks through the jungle and i feel fine. well, almost. i'm gonna collapse up the stairs tomorrow but what the heck.

and damn, ballade in g minor by chopin is good. eugene plays it damn well :)

Saturday, February 15, 2003

yow. crashed for 4 hours and only woke up coz brothers were screaming in the hallway over lego. gaaaaaah.
persistently kept thinking it was sunday and i had slept through it or something like that. or mebbe monday.

xlab! whoooooooe. its OVER OVER OVER!! *dances*
euphoria has worn off by now, but what the heck. won!! wheeeee!
dad has offered his services as business manager :P

ok thats enough now.


Friday, February 14, 2003


now that that's out of my system, let me proceed to today's events.

jgs. duh. and flowers and roses and whoopee its valentines day! chocolate n all. god my arm is aching. and i hate court shoes. and i have to wear them tomorrow. argh. dont really want to talk about this a lot coz too damn tired and have to wake up at 7 tomorrow so ya.

sooooooooooooo stoned.
painpainpain. arh aches sores on foot and ya oh well tired! whee!

hmm have just been told that the ads above my blog is advertising despo bachelors. these people are SAD.

happy valentine's day everyone :) *muah*

Thursday, February 13, 2003

i'm a msn smiley. serious.

ok. mebbe not.

and what the hell is so sick about warcraft????
its a damn verb meaning to play the damn game.


Wednesday, February 12, 2003

its just damn weird when you're eating and theres classical music floating in through one ear, and linkin park reanimation blasting in the other

i have no idea what the hell i post on this blog these days :|

incidentally i have been slightly insane these past few days so please ignore the previous few posts :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

...they found a box
and, humans being humans,
only saw the words 'fragile' and 'drop'

they never knew
how close they came
to finding what the contents were.

it's a bit hard to pick up the pieces, now.
now i know what self destruction means.
Which OS are You?
Which OS are You?

take a look at gnu/hurd :)
and windows 1.0. and windows me.

Sunday, February 09, 2003

úvëa melnyë [...and i loved you so much]

fainulyë [and you just let me go...]

lost, in this wonderland,
alice wanders.
over checkerboard fields,
through chess pieces,
dreaming of grinning purple cats
and somehow morphing pigs into babies.
a quaint world, yet somehow,
something is cutting the grass,
slashing it to smithereens.
each blade shatters like green emeralds
under a much sharper blade.
alice must run,
if she wishes to live...


through the looking glass,
stares another person,
shivering in that other world
beyond the glass mirror,
touch the glass, but you cant go through.
the silver key is kept in her apron,
and she'll never take it off -
she wants to stay in there.
its better that way,
theres no need to suffer
and theres no emotions whatsoever.


their world is
death's delusional dream.
mindless spirals of red and green.
black button eyes staring at you,
then dropping off, for alice to find.

Saturday, February 08, 2003


debate hangover. and i'm not speaking any more.
...and in my delusion, i dreamt i loved you...
but the delirium lives on...

Friday, February 07, 2003

quick backgrounder on iraq

and the "proof"
schitzer. 33 days to r&j...

we are soooo screwed.

i shall come down with an acute case of footinmouthitis tomorrow. and brainfuzzitis.
oh phewwww.
the monitor is back to normal.

my eyes are now in the state of "extremely relieved".

hate hate hate HATE stuff. just stuff.

ooo. debate tomorrow. am SO gonna DIE.

yeah, nice knowing you all.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

...and my heart sings
swells up and bursts and i
pick up the broken pieces,
stuffing them down my throat, that they might
grow back again...

perhaps it is just as well.

music of the moment - enya - silver inches
mood of the moment - weighted.
well. the net's back up hooray.

and we did get debate motions regarding space missions etc. THBT the space programme has had it's day. hahahahhahahhahah. ahahah.

anyways. the monitor is screwed and hurting my eyes because my brothers decided to set the contrast and brightness to max for their damn game and now my eyes feel like when i first saw claud's social *flower* (or rather, "ocial *flower*") file.

it could probably light up the whole room by itself.

Monday, February 03, 2003

oh yes. sfong's right. new debate motions: THBT space missions are a waste of resources, THW stop space exploration etcetc.
laa. hooray for school comps.

anyways. its getting fixed on wednesday. have been running around playing lift tag and block tag and blind man's buff etcetcetc. sue me.

ahh, dunno.

do i smile now?

and what about the
black-clad widow, bereft of
beloved youth and time, because
she loved you only.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

i'm posting from my friends house because, well, my brother shortcircuited the modem. to put it bluntly.

its not funny.

whoo. past few days. visiting, visiting, visiting. my feet are about to drop off. in any case, it has been fun. the money has been rolling in *insert evil laugh here*, i now have a clearer view of the family tree (and discovered i have a primary 1 aunt in the process), have realised that mom gets her way in the end, plants need care while being transported and i need to go now. see ya.